Ganeshotsav or Ganesh-Utsav, which begins on Ganesha Chaturthi, culminates on Anant Chaturdashi. Hence Ganeshotsav is celebrated for 10 days in the month of Bhadrapada. The last day of festivity is known as Ganesha Visarjan. Ganesha Visarjan is also known as Vinayaka Nimajjanamin Telugu speaking regions.
On the eleventh day the statue of Lord Ganesha is immersed into water body, preferably in a river, lake or the sea. After the final offering of coconuts, flowers and sweets, the statues of Lord Ganesha are taken to the water body through the street procession with much fanfare. Thousands of devotees join the procession and fill the whole atmosphere with chanting of Lord Ganesha. "Ganapati Bappa Morya" and "Ganesh Maharaj Ki, Jai" are few of the famous slogans which are chanted throughout the procession.
In Mumbai, Ganesha Visarjan is performed under the guidance of Ganpati Mandals. The street procession is accompanied with Dhol, Tasha and the other traditional instruments. Ganesha Visarjan continues throughout the night till the next morning.
Few families perform Ganesha Visarjan on the 3rd, 5th or 7th day rather performing it on the 11th day as per their family tradition. The idol of Lord Ganesha can be immersed in the water of tub or bucket.
On the eleventh day the statue of Lord Ganesha is immersed into water body, preferably in a river, lake or the sea. After the final offering of coconuts, flowers and sweets, the statues of Lord Ganesha are taken to the water body through the street procession with much fanfare. Thousands of devotees join the procession and fill the whole atmosphere with chanting of Lord Ganesha. "Ganapati Bappa Morya" and "Ganesh Maharaj Ki, Jai" are few of the famous slogans which are chanted throughout the procession.
In Mumbai, Ganesha Visarjan is performed under the guidance of Ganpati Mandals. The street procession is accompanied with Dhol, Tasha and the other traditional instruments. Ganesha Visarjan continues throughout the night till the next morning.
Few families perform Ganesha Visarjan on the 3rd, 5th or 7th day rather performing it on the 11th day as per their family tradition. The idol of Lord Ganesha can be immersed in the water of tub or bucket.
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